True North Coaching | Our Purpose
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Our Purpose

Get to know us better

True North is a consultancy that specialises in Communication, Leadership, Coaching, and Team Effectiveness. Since 2003, we have been partnering with individuals, teams and organisations on their journey of development.



Our purpose is to enable people to shape the future that they desire (in other words to find their True North). When equipped with the right opportunities and input, people and organisations are able to create and sustain positive results. Our success is based on the fact that we co-create the desired outcomes by exploring, activating and integrating people’s potential.

Why True North Coaching & Consulting

This is why you should work with us:

  • We don’t believe in blue prints. Just as every company has distinctive needs, so we devise solutions unique to you.
  • We’re in it for the long haul. We want to be your long-term trusted advisor, working with you to maximise your potential.
  • Working with us is an experiential process, so you get a real time return on your investment.
  • Our systematic approach positively impacts business.
We are a consultancy who adds value to our clients and this is reflected in the relationships we have developed and the results we have achieved. Contact us to find out how we can help you.

Phephile Simelane-Modiselle

As a strategist, she believes strongly in collaborating and co-creating solutions with clients. She enjoys partnering with leaders to create meaningful work environments for employees whilst delivering the business strategy and customer experience.


Sue Welman

She believes that it is by our interactions with people that we are defined and develop as human beings. By its very nature, this connection with others is complex and awareness of ourselves often enables a greater understanding of the other person.

Some of Our Clients


Years Experience


Coaches & Facilitators


Unlimited Pencils!