True North Coaching | Group Business Coaching | True North Coaching
Group coaching has been shown to boost individual confidence and deliver a particularly high return on investment for companies. Find out more.
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Group Coaching

Unleash Your Team's Full Potential

Group coaching works with dynamics between people, fostering buy-in and inspiring each team member to make a contribution to the group’s objectives. It encourages each voice in the room to be heard and considered. This type of business coaching has also been shown to boost individual confidence and deliver a particularly high return on investment for companies.


True North will provide a safe environment for thoughts to be aired, allowing for action and the unleashing of your team’s full potential.

Our Group Coaching programmes are perfect for:

  • Those looking for an external party to assist with a particular challenge, e.g. conflict resolution.
  • At a management level, teams who want to define the strategy of an organisation.
  • Team members who have just been through a restructure and need a safe space to air their thoughts.
  • Groups needing an independent business coach to encourage innovation or creative thinking.
  • Successful teams who want to celebrate their performance and stay motivated.
Looking for a business coach to work on your team development in a holistic way? Our Paths of Excellence Programme is one of our most popular programmes. Find out more.