True North Coaching | Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Training | True North Coaching
Our EQ coaching focuses on furthering your emotional and social intelligence so that you can connect more effectively with others. Find out more.
eq training, eq coaching
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Candid Conversations: Diversity in the workplace

Harness diversity to achieve growth

Diversity in the workplace can be a source of great creativity, innovation and productivity. However, most organisations struggle to manage the variety of differences that exist between their people.

At True North we work with organisations to harness the full benefits of a diverse workforce. We believe that through effective candid conversations, people can shape reality and achieve shared understanding despite their differences.

Contact us if you would like to:


  • Equip individuals to manage their differences through effective communication
  • Create a shared understanding of the differences that exist and the value they bring
  • Harness diversity to achieve growth, innovation and collaboration
  • Empower leaders to effectively lead diverse teams
Our Strengths Coaching helps you identify untapped strengths in yourself or your team and use these to better structure your daily tasks, processes or organisation.