True North Coaching | Articles & Ideas
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Articles & Ideas

Published Articles, Thoughts & Ideas

When group coaching works for organisations

Identified issues can be resolved and team innovation encouraged

Director Sue Wellman says: “While coaching is still very much about encouraging shifts in personal behaviours and outlooks, very often facilitators need to identify and address the elements that are holding both individuals and groups back from achieving their full potential. These elements may only become evident within group scenarios .”  Read the full article, published in the Star Workplace on 9 July 2014.READ MORE

The importance of curiosity and self-awareness

In both a personal and professional context, the future is emerging so rapidly around us that even the notion of generating faster results is not enough anymore. Tighter deadlines, smaller budgets, and smarter technology are all driving an incredibly fast pace and demanding atmosphere in the business environment. This not only impacts our working lives and ability to produce the required results, but it impacts our personal lives and relationships as well.READ MORE

Life Coaching

Feature article – by Beth Cooper

As the second largest growing industry in the world next to IT, Life Coaching is becoming a sought-after solution to just about any problem or challenge. Complete Yoga looks at the discipline’s various models and the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of its transformative effects.

The concept of life coaching is not new. While the modern discipline has gained in popularity over the past decade or so, the methodology behind it was sown more than two thousand years ago.READ MORE

Strategic Direction for Entrepreneurs

A reality check on your business requires bravery and truth.

True North is a highly-professional, well-respected coaching and facilitation practice that has inspired, motivated and given direction to many entrepreneurs and other business professionals.READ MORE