True North Coaching | Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Training | True North Coaching
Our EQ coaching focuses on furthering your emotional and social intelligence so that you can connect more effectively with others. Find out more.
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Business events with a purpose

In today’s work environment teams are exposed to a constant flux with new members coming and going. Objectives being changed, the bar raised and strategies revised. The Enneagram is a personality profiling model designed to create self – awareness and uncover patterns of behaviour that subconsciously drive and motivate us to act in a particular way. As a framework, the Enneagram speaks to the journey of integration and development in a profound way. This process offers insights in the journey towards strength and liberation.

After a successful Ennea Team Discovery Day you will:


  • Clearly understand how High Performing Teams operate
  • Define how the team is operating relative to High Performing Teams
  • Clarify their individual and team behaviour and how this relates to a High Performing Team
  • Commit to what “I” and “We” need to do (specific actions) to reach High Performance
  • Improves working relationships and team productivity
  • Improves communication while also developing a new developing a new language framework for team dynamic
Our Strengths Coaching helps you identify untapped strengths in yourself or your team and use these to better structure your daily tasks, processes or organisation.