True North Coaching | Internal Brand Building | True North Coaching
Internal branding can be hugely beneficial for service-based companies such as those in the financial services and telecommunications industries. Find out more.
internal branding, internal brand building
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Internal Communication

Mobilise Employees Towards a Common Purpose and Vision

Effective internal communication is one of the key drivers of employee performance. It facilitates the sharing of information and ideas, and enables leaders to mobilise employees towards a common purpose and vision.


At, True North we partner with clients to:

  • Build an effective internal communications infrastructure that supports business and communication objectives
  • Establish internal communications baselines to track efficiency and progress
  • Simplify complex messages to ensure clarity and understanding
  • Measure consumption and understanding of key messages
  • Equip employees with the skills and tools to communicate effectively
  • Package messages in an engaging and creative way
  • Ensure consistency in messages

Who could benefit internal communication support?

  • Leaders who want to establish a shared understanding of the purpose, vision and strategy of the organisation
  • Companies who want to keep employees well informed and engage through times of constant change
  • Organisations with employees in numerous locations and need to ensure that messages flow of efficiently and consistently
Is your business going through change? Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful change management.