True North Coaching | Articles & Ideas
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Articles & Ideas

Published Articles, Thoughts & Ideas

How to think outside the inbox

Sue Welman, executive coach at True North Coaching and Consulting

Miscommunication is the mother of all screw-ups in the business world. A wrongly worded email, for example, can instantly infuriate or confuse your team.

How to communicate clearly via email:
Know your audience: Sue Welman, an executive coach at the Johannesburg-based True North Coaching and Consulting, says there are basically three types of email recipients you need to cater for:


Starting and Growing a Small Business takes Guts, Daring and Skills!

Most entrepreneurs aren’t pure business people. They’re ideas people, driven by a powerful insight, powered by ambition to succeed. Think of Henry Ford, and his insight that people didn’t need faster horses, they needed a motorcar. Or Bill Gates, who saw the future and knew that it meant that most people would have their own small, powerful personal computer on their desks.READ MORE

Building a Successful Team in Business

The not-so-secret ingredient

Director Nicola Slingsby says: “Powerful, cohesive teams can quickly transform a business and give it much-needed momentum. And what lies beneath a successful team is a rock-solid foundation of trust.” She goes on to say: “Trust is not just a result or an outcome – it is the ongoing process.”  Read the full article, published in the Star Workplace.READ MORE

How to work through conflict

Director Sue Wellman says: “In most organisations – spanning from four-man startups to multinationals – conflict inevitably rears its head. This can range from a petty spat between two newly recruited juniors, or a deep-seated resentment between two C-suite executives. Naturally, the latter scenario could have far-reaching consequences for the business, its strategy and its future direction – while the former may well go unnoticed or be easily resolved. Yet in both instances, the very existence of conflict is toxic, and potentially damaging to the organisation on a variety of levels.”  Read the full article, published on HR Pulse on 8 August 2014.


Authentic Leadership

Tricky trading climate needs clever leadership.

In this article, published in The Star Workplace on 23 July 2014, Nicola Slingsby (True North Training & Consulting Director) discusses authentic leadership and the key attributes required to lead, and succeed, in this challenging ecosystem.READ MORE

How to Delegate…

Director Nicola Slingsby is quoted in an article by Margaret Harris on how many of us are poor delegators. Whether we fear appearing inefficient or simply lack the skill to get colleagues to lighten our load, many of us struggle with tasks other people could do.

In the article, Nicola explains that effective delegation helps to keep things moving and allows others to learn to grow.

Read the full article that was published in the Sunday Times on 13 July 2014.